How to Increase Your Popularity in Your New Blog


When you read the title, you might ask me... really? This is your (mine) second post and you'll tell OTHERS how to increase your popularity, when hardly anyone knows you!! Well, hear me out. If my tips are good, and I practice them, my blog's popularity will increase as well :)  

In case you missed it, here's my first post on blogging.

When I first decided to start a new blog I had no idea where to get started. I spent hours looking through the many different options for blogging and even surfed through a few of the various tutorials and how-to guides for setting up a blog on YouTube. In the end I realized that all I needed was a simple introduction to blogging. I got that from Ashley Slate's wonderful blog called Fresh blogging Tips. I am so glad I learned this valuable information before starting my new blog. I am also glad her name was also Ashley, just like me!!

Ashley Slate's blog provides a great introduction to blogging. She starts out by explaining why she started her online diary and what it is for. After that she gives you some great blogging tips including how to set up your blog and wearable computer basics. There are a number of ways that a blog can be used. They include blogging to express your personality, blogging to make money, and blogging as a way to keep connected to friends and family.

The next part of Fresh blogging Tips is about popularity. As a blogger you will need to generate interest in your blog. The more interest you have the more people will visit your site. This part explains how to get started with blogging and what you need to do to generate the popularity you desire.

Ashley shows us another very important aspect of blogging at a young age. She explains what happened when she started blogging. She explains that she started it using blogs in reverse chronological order. Her first few blogs were not very popular. However, she continues to blog using this technique until she reaches about a hundred blogs.


What is amazing in this part of Fresh blogging Tips are how much effort and research a blogger like Ashley did to figure out what works and what doesn't work. She even lists what blogging guidelines are important and what does not work. Reading through this blog will reinforce what you've learned in other articles. You will also learn how to choose your own blogging topic to be successful with.

Ashley also shares what tools and resources she uses when she was starting her blogging adventure. In addition to using the blogging software at blogger, she also utilized tools such as WordPress. Using the correct templates and plugins for your blogging software is extremely important when you are creating your blogs in reverse chronological order.

There is a lot to learn when it comes to blogging. However, Fresh blogging Tips by Ashley aptly addresses the various areas that novice bloggers need to be concerned about when it comes to increasing their blogging popularity. Using the correct templates for your blogging software is extremely important when you are writing your posts. You also want to utilize links back to your original blogs throughout your blogs.

One of the best parts of Fresh blogging Tips is the section on wearable computer cases. This includes a brief description of each case and what it has to offer the avid blogger. A wearable computer case can provide you with ample storage space for your expanding blogging data. In addition, you will find that this type of computer case is easy to use and provides a protective barrier between yourself and your laptop.

When you are blogging, you have several options when it comes to the layout of your personal blog. However, most bloggers find that the layout is one of the most difficult things to master. Thankfully, the author of Fresh blogging Tips, Ashley has provided many helpful tips on this topic. In fact, if you follow her advice, you should find that blogging can become an enjoyable experience.

Increasing your blogging popularity involves various different activities. One great way to accomplish this is to participate in a variety of forums. Bloggers can take part in discussion boards and chat rooms. Furthermore, many bloggers find that participating in Yahoo! Answers and other web 2.0 forums can help increase their popularity among their readers.

If you are interested in increasing your blogging popularity, you will find that there are numerous resources online for you to make use of. ALL you need to do is to take advantage of these resources. As a result, you can create an entertaining blog that attracts many readers.

Do let me know if you like my second post by commenting 🔽below ⬇️please ⬇️. Thanks a lot


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